Rural Mathematics Education LandscapeResearch projectOnline professional development for enhancing middle school mathematics education in rural schools. Explore Faculty & Research Publications Community Initiatives Research Projects Quick factsDirector/PI: Principal Investigator Jeffrey Choppin, and Co-Principal Investigators Julie Amador (University of Idaho) and Daniel Heck (Horizon Research, Inc.)Collaborators: University of Idaho and Horizon Research, Inc.Funding: $3 million grant from the Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12) programRelated projects: Project SyncOn Related articles NSF funds national research on rural mathematics education Overview The Warner School leads the Rural Mathematics Education Landscape (Rural Math), a collaborative research effort between with the University of Idaho and Horizons Research, Inc. to understand the current conditions, challenges, and resources associated with middle school mathematics education in rural areas across the U.S. The research team will shed light on the unique circumstances educators face in rural settings and provide valuable recommendations to enhance mathematics instruction in these communities.Through national research, including a survey and interviews, and the implementation of a robust online professional development model that was developed from the prior Synchronous Online Professional Learning Experiences (or SyncOn) projects for teachers and coaches, the team of researchers, professional development providers, and advisors is working to understand how the resources and constraints in rural school settings impact the uptake of efforts to implement rigorous mathematics curriculum and instruction in middle schools nationwide.Read the press release on Rural Mathematics Education Landscape (Rural Math)