David MillerAssociate Professor (Clinical), Associate Director Center for Learning in the Digital AgeCenter for Learning in the Digital AgeEdD, ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ (online teaching & learning)MBA, ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ (applied economics, corporate accounting, and operations management)BA, ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵ (economics) dmiller@warner.rochester.edu Faculty directory BiographyDave Miller is the director of the Digitally-Rich Teaching Advanced Certificate at Warner. His teaching and practice are focused in entrepreneurship in education, online teaching and learning in higher education, instructional use of 1:1 computing and learning management systems in K-12 schools, and digitally rich teaching and learning in K-12 schools. Miller has extensive experience in the digitally-rich teaching realm for both K-12 and higher education, along with prior experiences directing high-impact, multi-dimensional projects with multi-year timelines and multi-million dollar budgets. His key strengths are in guiding program development and implementation accompanied with expertise and success in building enthusiastic, mission-oriented teams. Much of Miller’s experience and practice straddle both business and education, with cross-industry, higher education, and K-12 track records in setting and achieving milestones and having positive impact and continuous improvement on customer and student experiences.