EDE570 3 Credits Online options Leadership in Health Professions Education In this course students will explore the complex and fascinating phenomenon of leadership in health professions education. This course will help students reflect on and develop their own leadership and management skills, including how to lead change in health professions education. Yet this course constitutes more than a how-to manual for current and aspiring administrators in health professions education. By completing this course, students will gain a deep and nuanced perspective on how change occurs within complex organizations, and how to lead that change guided by organizational values, mission, and vision. Students will also learn about leadership to support student success, enhance enrollment management, ensure effective curricular design, and advocate for social justice in health professions education. The course will include a scholarly project on leadership in which students will partner with leaders in health professions organization to identify a real-world clinical/learning problem and make evidence-based recommendations for leading change. This project will culminate in a presentation to the health professions organization, and a formal scholarly paper.